Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Graphic novel + food?

Sign me up!
GET JIRO! is a futuristic action thriller that takes America’s newfound obsession with exotic cuisine to a manic, violent extreme. It takes place in a world where food and the secrets of how to prepare it are the source of all power leading master chefs to fight over Jiro, a mysterious top-notch sushi chef with ideas of his own.  (From Graphic Content)
 I wonder if The Brother-in-Law would enjoy this? It is written by Anthony Bourdain after all.


Catherine said...

That is AWESOME.

I propose that anything based on the premise, "taking America's X to a manic, violent extreme" is going to rock. The more benign and everyday X is, the better.

Liz said...

"taking America's penchant for nose-picking to a manic, violent extreme"

Catherine said...

You see? I would totally watch that!

"taking America's quaint Amish quilting fairs to a manic, violent extreme"

Liz said...

Ha! Gotta watch those Amish and their crazy romance novel writing ways.

"taking America's annual crab and lobster boil to a manic, violent extreme"