Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A sign that the universe doesn't want me to move

Them: Hello!
Me: Is that Oxfam?
Them: Yes!
Me: Are you accepting donations of books and DVDs at the moment?
Them: Wellllllllll. Yes and no.
Me: Ok.
Them: We have a leak and we're closing for two weeks.
Me: Oh shame, how awful.
Them: Yes! I don't know where we're going to put all our stock.
Me: Ok, that's fine.
Them: But we really do want your books and DVDs! Can you hold onto them until we open again?
Me: Welllllllll.
Them: That would be really sweet of you, thank you so much.
Me: Yes, all right, I guess I'll bring them in in a couple of weeks.
Them: That's so sweet of you, thank you for understanding.
Hangs up

So now Oxfam is EXPECTING me. I can't FAIL THEM. So now I have to give up the weeded out preciousses. Although, to be honest, I don't really have a burning desire to keep The Cabbage Soup Diet Book, which I think I may have picked up in a job lot from a carboot.

Of course, this also gives me two more weeks to find more stuff to donate. I might need to add clothes to the pile.



Catherine said...

... You do realise that when Moray told you he'd donated a bunch of books to Oxfam, you threatened him with bodily harm, right? :)

Liz said...

*waves hands vaguely*

Yes, but I threaten Moray with bodily harm so often, the incidents all kind of melded together.

Do YOU want a copy of The Cabbage Soup Diet?

Catherine said...

Think about everything you know about me, and then think about the concept of a diet consisting of cabbage soup.

Do YOU think those concepts go together? :)

True, true - it's so hard to keep track of the times when you've made Moray your bitch.