Wednesday, September 12, 2007

See Liz Run

I do a lot of narrating in my head. I can't just let my thoughts be all stream of conscious-like. Instead, I edit my thoughts into neat little quotes. Like when I'm buying milk:

"Oh, look, there's the skim. What is the difference between skim and semi-skim?" she asks absently.

"That's 20p apparently. TWENTY PENCE. Do you have 20p? Yes, you do. And also, strangely, some Mozambique change you don't need. You should get rid of that. I'll do that when I get home. Oh, who am I kidding? You have the memory of a gnat. There's no way you'll remember," she says disgustedly.

Those mixed pronouns are lifted directly from my memory.

She says, worried.

PATTOTE: Better living through my eventual domination of all things, she says assuredly.

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