Monday, September 17, 2007

Big ups to my baby

Even if he is behind bars. Listening to a call-in show on the radio on Saturday, a woman came on asking for a shout-out to her boy.

Presenter: "Where is your boy?"
Call-in person: "He's in the penetentiary, but I visit him, I'm waiting for him."
Me: "Whaaaaaaa?"

I didn't know people actually did that.

PATTOTE: Better living through soundproof cars, so nobody could here my reaction to the crazy call-in person.


Marissa said...

HEHEHEHEHE. Thanks for making my day!

CTV said...

It's like the inverse of the opening line of Jens Leman's "You Are The Light".

I just hope her "baby"'s cellmate Big Bubba didn't get jealous and attempted to reassert his "ownership" of Baby.