Saturday, September 08, 2007

A Crow Symposium

On my way to work this week, I stumbled upon a field full of crows. There were thousands of them circling and jostling. It was menacing actually. I imagine the field has just been turned and every crow in Berkshire decided to descend on it. Or maybe, and this is just a theory, maybe it was a meeting of the finest crow minds. Maybe they had gathered there to decide on a roadmap for the crow way of life? Maybe there were two factions (Those for Cawing, or Those Against)? Maybe they were plotting how to raise the profile of crows in other societies? Crowing over people, eating crow, skinny as a crow - damaging political statements all.

PATTOTE: Better living through dive-bombing crows. Was it crows or blackbirds that were baked into that pie?


CTV said...

Thousands of them? Were you counting crows.

Oh come on, I made that pun under duritz.

Liz said...


CTV said...

Admit it, you love puns. Except when you inadvertently set them up.

Liz said...

Heh, it was very good. But nothing to crow about.