Thursday, October 05, 2006

Useless Information

I was tagged by Marissa to write down 20 random facts about myself, so here they are. I'm going to tag Kristy (so that she'll update) and anybody else who's keen.

1) I once almost chopped my left middle finger off with an axe.
2) I sometimes sing to myself before going to sleep.
3) I like skipping and hopping down passages.
4) I like to imagine my funeral, and regularly write my eulogies.
5) I have flat feet and can go through a pair of shoes in less than six months.
6) I practice what I'm going to say before I speak on the phone, because otherwise I get tongue-tied. A great bonus for a journalist.
7)The first dream I remember having was when I was four. I was trapped in a house full of white statues and their arms kept falling off.
8) I have a little sniffle everytime I look at a picture or video of my nephew.
9) I've always wanted to play the piano.
10) I like slogan tshirts and want an entire collection.
11) I can't do Embrace the tiger, Return to the mountain in taichi without falling over.
12) Berg winds make me grumpy and aggro.
13) I have fake eardrums.
14) I bruise like a peach.
15) I enjoy telling really bad jokes because they get a great reaction.
16) I really love making an entire room of people laugh.
17) I often feel that my entire life is a dream and I will be waking up at any second.
18) I have a birthmark that stretches around my middle.
19) I try not to cry in movies because I'm afraid people will laugh.
20) I like going to movies on my own.

PATTOTE: Better living through information you can now use against me


arcadia said...

cool list!

i also imagine my funeral. i'm so self-obsessed :-)

Liz said...

I wouldn't call it self-obsessed. I'd call it making sure that people get it right. Nothing wrong with that!

Liz said...

Ha! Just saw your last random fact...great minds think alike obviously.

Marissa said...

1) I also do that. Only there isn't going to be one. Rather, I'm donating my body to medical science and leaving instructions for friends and family to have a big party when I'm gone.
2) You are the queen of bad jokes.

Anonymous said...

I think we should now facts we know about liz:

1.) She enjoyed threatening to strangle her sister when they were young.
2.) The bottom step at Friar Tucks will be her downfall (again) one day.
3.) She is a great friend to have when she is not papering you with propoganda (or correcting your spelling/grammar)
4.) She loves to irritate people when they are trying to watch a decent movie about a rug.
5.) She wishes she came up with Sanitizer.

Liz said...

You have much knowledge. And now I'll have to kill you.

Marissa said...

Before you kill "tom", or banish him from the pattote island paradise, make him answer the following questions:
1) What decent movie about a rug?
2) What is Sanitizer?

Liz said...

1) The Big Lebowski

2) TOM's patented sanity in a bottle

Me said...

Numbers 4 freaked me out.

Fake eardrums?! I didn't even think that was possible.

Liz said...

You'd think they'd make me superhuman. You'd think wrong...