Thursday, June 15, 2006

How to while away a long weekend.

I fully intend to do as little as possible this weekend. I'm going to start the festivities by eating calamari and chips tonight and watching old episodes of Friends. Tomorrow I'm sleeping late and reading. On Saturday I'm going to the book fair (free entry!). Sunday is the distant future and I haven't planned anything yet. I'm going to get as much mileage out of the public holiday as possible. I hate public holidays generally; they stuff up deadlines and make it that much harder to get the newspaper out on time.

It has been mentioned that I don't update frequentlty enough. I promise to try and add as many rambling passages as possible, starting Monday. Belowe, belowe.

PATTOTE - Better living when I'm in control cause then there will never be public holidays ever again after.


Marissa said...

And how did the weekend turn out?

Liz said...

Just the way I wanted it too...