Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Default Position

My default position has been Table for One for so long, I worry that I'm not able to make the leap to a Table for Two. How do you go from being single to being with someone? I know, I know, there are whole books, movies and dodgy articles in Cosmo devoted to this one topic. But I'm serious. Is being willing to embrace the idea enough? Or will I, heaven forbid, have to be proactive? I'd really much rather sit here and wait.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I don't have a tonne of personal experience to go on here, but I have heard coupled-up friends say that it was less of a transition than they thought it would be - that the idea of going, in the abstract, from "single" to "coupled" was a bigger deal than, in reality, incorporating a specific person that they already got on well with into their lives.

You could always try waiting first - if it works, great, and if it doesn't, you've still got time to try something else!