Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Dear John mark 1

You were rejected because of your annoying verbal tic.

It's not flattering to repeat every single one of my sentences.

"I live in Reading"

"...in Reading..."

"I take the train"

"...the train..."

"Do you hear an echo?"

"...an echo?..."

Thanks anyway.


Anonymous said...

John Mark 1?
..John Mark 1?...
Are you expecting more John Marks or is he "the first?"
...the first?...

Do tell us who this infamous John Mark 1 is?
...Mark 1 is?...

Marissa said...

Please, more details. The readers want to know.

Liz said...

Hah! No, I meant mark 1 as in the first version of a Dear John letter. I'm sure I'll have opportunities to be snide in future Dear John letters.

CTV said...

I don't understand you women. (you women). All the time you complain that men never listen to you (to you), and when somebody evidently does a last, you're not satisfied either (satisfied either).

I think Pope John I's habit is endearing (is endearing), and you ought to call him for a follow-up date (er, what?).