Monday, January 22, 2007

Resolution #2: The F-Word

Using the f-word is not a suitable alternative to a failure of imagination. You're smart, come up with something else. You're tough, deal with the situation. Maybe meditate? Who the fuck knows. Actually, never mind. This resolution is bound to fail, because sometimes shouting FUCK loudly is the only thing to do.

PATTOTE: Better living through smarter adjectives, and the occasional: "Oh for fuck's sake."


Marissa said...

I must ask: What the fuck, man?

(And what was resolution #1?)

Marissa said...

Oh, it comes back to me. To be more subtle. The two resolutions go well together. Not much subtlety (sp?) in shouting "fuck". Although it is sometimes very satisfactory.

Liz said...

Hee, I hadn't even considered that.