Saturday, March 12, 2011

Things I should do

- Wash the dishes

- Bring in the washing

- Learn how to make bulleted lists on Blogger

- Tidy away the few clothes left on my floor

- Continue on my quest to tame the hamsters

- Watch The Big Lebowski

- Finish reading Brighton Rock and Love in the Time of Cholera

- Domestos the loo

- Make tea

- Read National Geographic, Time and Empire

- Update my blog with reviews of the movies I've seen recently. And the books I've read.

- Write down the rules to Shivvy so The Sister won't cheat

- Plan the fun yet educational things I will do with The Nephew next week

- Watch The Happening and Afterwards

- Take out the rubbish


The Modern Prometheus said...

I suggest you have a cup of tea and watch The Big Lebowski. I also suggest you strike The Happening from your list to make things more manageable and to save yourself from a ludicrous amount of nostril flaring from Mark Wahlberg.

h said...

and how many of those did you do?

Liz said...

I'm kind of sighing with relief that I can move The Happening off the list.

I drank the tea and picked up the clothes and washed the dishes. And then collapsed with exhaustion.

Kris said...

Are the hamsters food motivated? I find it is the best training tool for ferrets! They will do ANYTHING for a raisin...

Liz said...

They're pretty keen on broccoli...and yoghurt covered hamster treats. I shall persevere.