Sunday, September 13, 2009

In which my organisational whims come back to bite me in the arse

I got a sudden urge this afternoon to empty the large box labelled "To file", weed out the masses of envelopes and junk mail, and carefully and systematically refile both the new and existing papers.

So far I have emptied the box and watched The Shawshank Redemption while randomly arranging stuff in piles (Oooh, water bill. I no longer pay water bills, but I might need that. I know, I'll put it on this pile and file it under R for Random.).

The main flaw in my plan was to do all this while perched on my bed. I have managed to dislodge the piles twice and been attacked by the three (three!) packets of batteries I've found. I would take a photo of the carnage but I actually can't find my camera. Or my phone. Could somebody please call me so I can do an echo-location?

Maybe I'll give up, layer all the bills in my clothing in manner of street-sleeper and just watch Mullholland Drive instead.

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