Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Tales from Reception Part 2

These people are my new favourite enemies.

Example A:

Me (friendly, chipper, faking it to the hilt): Good morning, large unnamed charity, can I help you?

Them: Is that large unnamed charity?

Me (friendly, chipper, biting my tongue): Yes, can I help you?

Them: This is Mrs A.N Body, of number 25 Whatever Lane, Lower Sheep's Bottom, West Sussex, SW5 6XT. I would like to speak to somebody about donating some money.

Me (friendly, chipper, rolling my eyes): I'll transfer you to our fundraising department.

Them: It were a coffee morning, you see. And now I have all this change. I don't want them bandits in the hills to get it. It are a lot of money, y'see.

Me (confused): Yes.

Them: Well girl, are you transferring me or not?

Me: *click*

Example B:

Me (friendly, chipper, faking it to the hilt): Good morning, large unnamed charity, can I help you?

Them: Can I speak to mumblemumble?

Me (friendly, chipper, ears straining): I'm sorry, who?

Them: Mumblemumble!

Me (huh?): I'm sorry, could you repeat the surname for me?

Them: MumBLEmumBLE!!

Me: (weakly): Could you spell that for me?

Them: *click*


Marissa said...


Anonymous said...

WHAT! People have been calling for me and you have not been putting them through? I will see you get fired for this...

Liz said...
