Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Just an idea

Lately I've been asking myself what I really want to do with the rest of my life. I guess it's because I'm standing at the edge of a new beginning. So much of the life I lead now is one of circumstance. A happened so B was necessary and now I'm living with C.

But now, now I can decide for myself. But what exactly do I want to decide? I have a plan mapped out. Some of the details are a little murky still, but mostly I think I've found a goal.

Part of that goal is to "live off the land". I know, totally airy-fairy sounding. I promise I'm not about to join a cult or turn into a fruitarian or anything. But I would like to be self-sufficient. I'd like some land, enough space for a gorgeous garden (veggie and otherwise), a house I've restored myself, and to be partially dependent on what I produce.

I saw this really interesting book in Exclusive's the other day, A Guide to Self-Sufficiency, featuring everything from building a rabbit hutch to slaughtering a chicken. Oddly, I can theoretically cope with the idea of killing a chicken. But somehow I don't know if I could slaughter rabbits, ducks or, heaven forbid, a cow.

The plan needs some streamlining, but the Great Goat has a future in homesteading.

PATTOTE: Better living through a farm of my own.


Marissa said...

Please don't become a fruitarian. I mean, really.

Liz said...

"I promise I'm not about to join a cult or turn into a fruitarian or anything."

You must have skipped that paragraph.

Marissa said...

I know. Just emphasizing the point.