Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Encounter at the ATM

While waiting in line at the ATM the other day, this young guy joined the bunch of bored looking people. He smiled at us all, nodded his head a couple of times and said: "The Lord Jesus loves you all."

And that was it. Short, to the point, and he returned to perusing his bank statement.


Anonymous said...

The most interesting part of this incident is that it made enough of an impact on you to actually go about blogging it.

Did it leave you with a bible-shaped bruise on your head - I think not!

What would be interesting would be an opinion of an informed, non-Christian on the way that Christians should go about "spreading the word".

Liz said...

I agree. His low-keyedness is what made the incident so powerful. I've always felt that living faith makes more of an impression than 10 000 televangelists.

Me said...

Very good points ^