Friday, January 06, 2012

A sad day for independence

By chance I logged into my work email while I was still in bed at 9:05 this morning. As you all know, my work habits are start late, work late, as my brain doesn't fully engage until around 10am.

Anyway, I checked my email by chance this morning and, wouldn't you believe it, my boss sent an email at 10pm last night scheduling a meeting for 9:30 this morning. It's a GOOD THING my commute is only five minutes.

So I have officially synched my work email to my Blackberry so I don't get anymore unpleasant surprises, especially since work is going to be hectic and all consuming until at least March. But I'm feeling a bit sad as well, because really, who wants an email from my curmudgeon of a boss at 11pm?


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