Thursday, December 21, 2006

Shag, Marry or Kill...

or "Smok" is a game Der Fuhrer introduced me to. You pick three celebrities and you have to pick one to shag, one to marry and one to kill. It's hard enough when you realise that you're going to have to off Colin Firth in order to marry Hugh Jackman and shag John Cusack. But it gets nasty when you have to decide between three people like, um, Jack Black, Bill Cosby and Dudley Moore. Or when you have to pick between people you know. Tons of fun.

PATTOTE: Better living through mocking celebrities.


Marissa said...

OK, now you've convinced me again that I should consider applying for your job!

Anonymous said...

In a completely different note:

A panda walks into a burger joint, orders a burger, pulls out a gun shoots the waiter ans leaves.

The waiter looks up and says what the hell is wrong with you.

And the panda says: "I read that pandas eat shoots and leaves."

Anonymous said...

For goodness sake tom, if you are going to use a quote, at least get it right!