Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dear Anonymous

Beansprout, I know who you are!

And it's S-P-O-O-N-E-R-I-S-E. Not "spoon and rise".

Now you get your update.

Love and kisses



Anonymous said...

Do you really spell S-P-O-O-N-E-R-I-S-E with all those "-"? Strange that.

Anonymous said...

I always thought spoon and rise was referring to what couples do in the morning when they wake up.

Marissa said...

Funny funny funny

Anonymous said...

I like that "spoon and rise", but have you ever heard of the term spoonefall? It is when you change the last letters around. For example, if you have a "pleasant duck", you would end up with a "pleasuck dant".

Anonymous said...

Who are all these anonymous people?

Liz said...

They're your personalities. They've escaped and are taking over. Medicate! Fast!

Anonymous said...

I agree with TOM. we should all be comfortable in our own skins, therefore i call for free and transparent discussions. ie all you anonymouses step up and show your face so to speak.that way if we know you we can make fun of you (in a really loving caring way of course)

Anonymous said...

Dear all readers of this blog. Unfortunately, Elizabeth Isabella Ellis has sadly passed away. Apparently she was sleeping in her bed when a frustrated fan of her blog (dressed as a Tomato for some reason) broke into her flat and talked her to death. Now, those of you that personally know the late Miss Ellis will find it hard to believe that anyone could actually talk more than her, but since pages upon pages of scripts were found in the apartment, it seems that the intruder can well prepared with a pre-written speech. Strangely enough, it seems that Miss Ellis did not die from the content of the pages as much as the bad grammar and spelling used in them. The search is not on for a man, roughly 5'9" tall and is dressed as a massive tomato.