Monday, May 29, 2006


For some time I have been aware of an anti-PATTOTE organisation that uses propaganda and smear campaigns to undermine the glorious victory that is rightly mine.

The One Man Against The Overlord Elizabeth (TOMATOE) considers itself a kind of freedom fighter and does not hesitate to spread paranoia and discord amongst my followers. His refusal to pronounce my acronym correctly (it's PATTOTE not POTATO) is reason enough to incite my loyal followers to squash the TOMATOE.

But then I remember that he's had years to overthrow me and yet, nothing happens. Why? Because he can't stay awake long enough:

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Happy Birthday Robs!

Here's hoping the year brings you the brilliant things you deserve.


Anonymous said...

What you dont realise is that it is all my plan to get a sleeper agent into your organisation, but once he is placed, you will loose the FEW feable minded followers you have, and will finally be peeled, chopped, and deep fryed into CHIPS, and potato will no longer exist. I do this in the name of all people who have the RIGHT to use and abuse the english language in anyway they see fit without being corrected on their grammar.

PS Have you watched "A series of unfortunate events?" The paranoid gramar chick who got eaten by the eels reminded me of you.

PPS Yes, I called her a chick!

Liz said...

Oh my God! I don't think I'm every going to stop the nervous twitching!!

Marissa said...

Yes. Tomatoe must be squashed. This will be carried out while the enemy sleeps...

And what is it with these HUGE photos? The faces suddenly apparating scare me.

Liz said...

I've already told you; I'm having serious problems with photoshop. Add that to the fact that Mac hates and I don't see the template the way you do and you'll understand why I would rather people stop bitching about the pics.

Marissa said...

Sorry! Must have missed the explanation! Sorry!I beg for your forgiveness! Please do not cast me from the paradise that the world will become after the peaceful takeover by PATTOTE!

Liz said...

No problem, you are still eligible for a small island in the sun... I'm almost convinced I saw Milton Schorr in a lunchbar advert last night...

Marissa said...

Oh God. I'll have to start watching TV again. Maybe this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Aaah, so Potato is really a group for gossip, I mistook it as a threat, but is this is the quality of its members, then the threat is minimal.

And I take the fact that a huge photo of a man that could or could not be TOM himself scared you marissa. You shall be among the first to be dispensed with when the one man finally wakes up.(which should be in about 20-50 years, depending on whether the protein shakes will sustain him in his sleep.)

Marissa said...

If you are going to send an agent to infiltrate Pattote, then you will surely have to change the name of your organisation to TTMATOE? The two men etc?