Thursday, September 10, 2009

Keeping Our Thoughts To Ourselves

It's strange how as we get older, we talk less. We share less with each other. And that's not a reflection on our friendships, which deepen, I think, as we age.

Are we protecting ourselves? Are we more cynical about our thoughts and ideas? Less willing to risk them out loud? Or are our thoughts just more precious to us, something we can keep to ourselves when necessity forces us to be shared with the world?


Linda said...

Good food for thought. I've always been introverted, so I don't know if I'm keeping my thoughts to myself any more than I used to, but never really pondered it. Time to do so!

Oh, and I love reading your blog -- you are a good writer.

Catherine said...

That's an interesting thought (and I'm glad you shared it with us :)). I think that for myself, I don't feel like I'm bubbling over with new ideas as much as I was at university. Work and everyday life take up more brain space - but they're not always interesting to talk about. I still form new ideas and opinions (I'm not quite a lost cause yet!), but they also take longer to solidify, and they tend to be (I hope) better thought-out and less extreme than when I was younger. Which also means that they're probably more likely to spark quiet thought, rather than immediate debate. So there's less conversation all round - but it's (again, I hope!) more insightful.

I think it is also harder to just come out with random observations in the adult world. It's not the kind of heady, mile-a-minute atmosphere that university is, where everyone is constantly digesting and re-formulating ideas. So, maybe it IS a case of risking fewer thoughts out loud, because the world in general seems less inclined to accept them.

In a way, it means getting to know new people is a slower process... but that can be enjoyable, as well.

Liz said...

I pretty much completely agree with everything you just said!

I also find that my mind turns things over in a more measured way now, than it did when I was younger and a great deal less informed.

I suppose my main concern when I wrote this was that perhaps that we find it easier as we get older to not share ourselves as much, rather than feeling freer to express ourselves.

But Linda makes an excellent point too - introversion lends a whole new level to the sharing of thoughts. It's just harder, especially face to face.