Monday, June 08, 2009

On the move

Just recently I finally hit a wall at work. It was a shitty arse week, brought on by a million things I had asked to be changed and weren't. I got home at 11 and lay in bed and stared at the ceiling and thought: there has to be more to life than this. There has to be more to life than earning a tiny salary in an expensive city, working at a job I used to love and think I was good at. And then I gave myself a slap for a being an idiot, and remembered that other people's faults are not my faults, or my fault even, and that I have given this job everything and it hasn't measured up and so it's time to move on.

I applied for a job two weeks ago, I went for the interview last Friday and they called this morning. I start at the beginning of July. In Birmingham.

You lose nothing by trying. I'm going to try and live my life, instead of letting my life live me.


ChutneyLid said...

Yay for things going right. For salary increases, new starts and jobs with real opportunity and promise. Yay for new places and new things to see. For living closer to family and still being close enough for visits (both ways).
We love you!

EdgyJuneCleaver said...

Liz, I haven't been around much, RL taking charge so I missed your great news. I can't wait to hear how things go for you in Birmingham. What an inspiration, how you have walked away from a soul sucking job.